
Friday, January 3, 2020

How to Plan a new user account in windows 10

Planning New User Accounts

 On networks with more than just a few computers, you should take the time to create a plan for user accounts. In particular, you should establish a naming convention so mat user account names are consistent. You should also establish password requirements for users.

Naming Conventions
A naming convention is an organization’s established standard for identifying users.Following a consistent naming convention, especially on large networks, helps administrators and users remember logon names. It also makes it easier for administrators to locate specific user accounts to add them to groups or perform account administration.

Create unique user logon names-. Local user account names must be unique on the computer on which you create the local user account. User logon names for domain user accounts must be unique to the directory. Common practices include the following:
  • Use the first and middle initials and the last name. A user named Kevin F. Browne, for example, would have the user name kfbrowne.
  • Separate first and last name with a period (). A user named David Johnson would have the user name DavidJohnson.

Use a maximum of 20 characters.User account names can contain up to 20 uppercase or lowercase characters. The field accepts more than 20 characters, but Windows recognizes only the first 20.

Remember that user logon names are not case sensitive-.You can use a combination of special and alphanumeric characters to establish unique user accounts. User logon names are not case sen~ sitive, but Windows preserves the case for display purposes.

Avoid characters that are not valid. The following characters are not valid: “ / l] : z I , + ’ ? < >

Accommodate employees with duplicate names If two users have the same name, You could create a user logon  name  consisting of the first name, the last initial, and additional letters from the last name to differentiate the users. For example, if two users are named John Evans, you could create one user account logon as Iohne and the other as Johnev. You could also number each user logon name-for example, johnel and johne2.

Identify the type of employee Some organizations prefer to identify temporary employees in their
user accounts. You could add a T and a dash in front of the user’s logon name (T-johne) or use parentheses at the end-for Example, johne(Temp).

Rename the  Administrator and Guest built-in user accounts.-.
You should rename the administrator and guest accounts to provide greater security

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