
Friday, January 10, 2020

Warner says that AI algorithms will guide its managers on what movies to make, with what actors and when to release

As Hollywood Reporter has advanced this morning, Warner Bros has signed a collaboration agreement with Cinelytic to use its project management tool based on artificial intelligence. The idea is, point in the middle, to use "the integral data of the system and the predictive analysis to guide the decision making in the stage of approval of projects", that is, to use the AI ​​to assess the impact of a certain actor or actress in each territory and get a prediction of the production box office.

Cinelytic states on its website that its goal is to "empower the global entertainment industry through cutting-edge tools and technology" and "combine best practices from the entertainment, finance, science and technology sectors to provide decision makers in the entertainment industry, access to the knowledge they need to optimize their content development, financing, production and distribution decisions. "

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