
Monday, January 13, 2020

How to compress a folder or file in windows 10 using NTFS Compression

 Managing Compression 

Windows 10 supports two types of compression: NTFS compression and the Compressed Folders feature. NTFS compression enables you to compress files, folders, or an entire drive. NTFS compressed files and folders occupy less space On an NTFS formatted volume, which enables you to store more data. Each File and folder on an NTFS volume has a compression state, which is either compressed  or uncompressed.

The Compressed Folders feature allows you to create a compress folder so that all Files you store in that folder are automatically compressed.

How to Compress Files, Folders, or Volumes by Using NTFS Compression 

 Right-click on the file or folder (or group of files or folders), then point to Send to and select Compressed (zipped) folder.
 Name the ZIP file

for more files to compress do next

Select your files or  folders
Navigate to the Share tab in File Explorer.
Click the Zip button

Unlike compressed folders, NTFS compression is a function of the NTFS file system and as such is available only on volumes formatted with NTFS. Files compressed with NTFS compression can be read and written to by any Windows-based 0t MS-DOS based application without first being uncompressed by another program. When an application or an operating system command requests access to a compressed file, NTFS automatically uncompresses the file before making it available. When you close or explicitly save a file, NTFS compresses it again.
NTFS allocates disk space based on uncompressed file size. If you copy a compressed file to an NTFS volume with enough space for the compressed file. but not enough space for the uncompressed file, you might get an error message stating that there is not enough disk space for the file, and the file will not be copied to the volume.

 How to Compress a Folder or File 

You will use Windows Explorer to set the compression state of folders and files. To set the compression state of a folder or file, right-click the folder or file in Windows Explorer, click Properties, and then click Advanced. In the Advanced Attributes dialog box,, select the Compress Contents To Save Disk Space check box. Click OK, and then click Apply in the Properties dialog box.
 NTFS encryption and compression are mutually exclusive. For that reason if you select the Encrypt Contents To Secure data check box, you cannot compress the folder or file.
  To change the compression state f0} a file or folder, you must have Write per. mission for that file or folder.
The compression state for a folder does not reflect the compression state of the files and subfolders in that folder. A folder can be compressed, yet all the files in that folder can be uncompressed. Alternatively, an uncompressed folder can contain compressed files. When you compress a folder that contains one or more files, folders, or both, Windows displays the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box.
 The Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box has the two additional options explained
Apply Changes To This Folder Only Compresses only the folder that you have selected
Apply Changes To This Folder, Compresses the folder and all subfolders and files that subfolders, And Files are contained within it and subsequently added to it

 How to Compress a Drive or Volume

 You can also set the compression state of an entire NTFS drive or volume. To do so, in Windows Explorer, right-click the drive or volume, and then click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, select the Compress Drive To Save Disk Space check box, and then click OK.

What Is the Compressed Folders Feature? 

 The Compressed Folders feature is new in Windows and allows y0u to compress folders, while retaining the ability to view and work with their contents.
 To create a compressed folder, start Windows Explorer, click File, click New, and then click Compressed (Zipped) Folder. This creates a compressed folder in the current folder. You can drag and drop Files into the compressed folder and the files are automatically compressed. If you copy a File from the compressed folder to another that is not compressed, that file will no longer be compressed. A zipper icon is shown, marking compressed folders , and these folders are labeled Compressed Folder.

 Benefits of using compressed folders generated with the Compressed Folders feature include the following:
  •  You can create and use compressed files and folders on both File allocation table (FAT and NTFS volumes. I You can open files directly from the compressed folders and you can run some programs directly from compressed folders. 
  • You can move these compressed Files and folders to any drive or folder on your computer, the Internet, or your network and they are compatible with other 7ip programs. 
  •  You can encrypt compressed folders that you created using this feature. I You can compress folders without decreasing performance. 
  •  You can compress individual Flies only by storing them in a compressed folder. if you move or extract the Files into an uncompressed folder, they will be uncompressed


 How to Control Whether Windows Displays NTFS Compressed Files and Folders in a Different Color

 Windows Explorer makes it easy for you to see whether a file or folder is compressed. By default, Windows displays the names of compressed files and folders in blue to distinguish them from those that are uncompressed.
 To control whether Windows display compressed files and folders in a different color, use the following steps:
 1. In Windows Explorer, click the Tools menu, and then click Folder Options,
2. In the Folder Options dialog box, on the View tab, clear or select the 3mm Encrypted Or Compressed Files In Color check box.
 When you clear the Show Encrypted 0r Compressed Files In Color check box, Windows will no longer show compressed or encrypted files in color. There is no way to disable the color display of just-compressed or just-encrypted files.

Copying and Moving NTFS Compressed Files and Folders

 There are rules that determine whether the compression state of files and folders is retained when you copy or move them within and between NTFS and FAT volumes. The following list describes how Windows 10 treats the compression State of a file or folder when you copy or move a compressed file or folder within of between NTFS volumes or between NTFS and FAT volumes. Copying a tile within an NTFS volume When you copy a file within an NTFS volume  the file inherits the compression state of the tar. get folder. For example, if you copy a compressed file to an uncompressed folder, the file is automatically uncompressed.
Moving a file or folder Within an NTFS volume When you move a file or folder within an NTFS volume  the file or folder retains its original compression state. For example, if you move a compressed file to an uncompressed folder, the file remains compressed. Copying a file or folder between NTFS volumes When you copy a file or folder between NTFS volumes , the file or folder inherits the compression state of the target folder. Moving a file or folder between NTFS volumes When you move a file or folder between NTFS volumes  the file or folder inherits the compression state of the target folder. Because Windows treats a move as a copy and a delete, the files inherit the compression state of the target folder.
 Moving or copying a tile or folder to a FAT volume Windows 10 supports compression only for NTFS files, so when you move or copy a compressed NTFS file or folder to a FAT volume, Windows  automatically uncompresses the file or folder.

 When you copy a compressed NTFS file, Windows uncompresses the me, copies the file, and then compresses the ftle again as a new file. This might take considerable time.

 NTFS Compression Guidelines 

The following list provides best practices for using compression on NTFS volumes:
  •  Because some file types compress more than others, select file types to compress based on the anticipated resulting file size. For example, because Windows bitmap files contain more redundant data than application executable files, this file type compresses to a smaller size. Bitmaps often compress to less than 50 percent of the original file size, whereas application files rarely compress to less than 75 percent of the original size. 
  •  Do not store compressed files, such as PKZIP files, in a compressed folder. Windows will attempt to compress the file, wasting system time and yielding no additional disk space. 
  •   Compress static data rather than data that changes frequently. Compressing and uncompressing files incurs some system overhead. By choosing to compress files that are infrequently accessed, you minimize the amount of system time dedicated to compression and uncompression activities. 
  •  NTFS compression can cause performance degradation when you copy and move files. When a compressed file is copied, it is uncompressed, copied, and then compressed again as a new file. Compress data that is not copied or moved frequently.

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