
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Mathematics and computer science students earn more money than other students

Mathematics and computer science students significantly outperform their peers who specialize in humanities or liberal arts in regards to their financial compensation

At least that is what has been found in American university students. However, maybe things are not so simple
To get a good salary you have to try to get two advantages. The first, to be admitted to a good university. Second, that the field of study be labor-intensive, that is, better computing or economics than English or history.

Although having a university degree is increasingly undervalued, it still remains one of the most important factors in having a job.

However, studying costs more and more money

Several universities are converting in this direction, as in the United Kingdom or China
Many technology companies also require more and more humanities specialists ... it could soon be a rising value. Social skills are also increasingly required by employers.

Salaries are not that simple either. Yes, in the United Kingdom, those who study medicine or dentistry, economics or mathematics get the best income; in the United States, engineering, physical sciences or business. Some of the most popular humanities, such as history or English, are in the lower half of the group. But even for some jobs, it seems that it is actually better to start with a broader degree, rather than a professional one.

For example, a college student who takes the seemingly more direct route to becoming a lawyer, judge or magistrate, specializing in law studies or legal studies, can expect to earn an average of $ 94,000 a year in the United States

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