
Friday, January 10, 2020

Microsoft launches a free technology to combat child abuse on the Internet

The Internet has completely changed the way we interact with other people, enabling us to connect with strangers who are thousands of miles away.

The problem is that some people may not have very good intentions, and it is something we have seen with many cases of sexual exploitation, an issue that is much more sensitive when the victims are minors.

For those companies that offer chat services

Microsoft claims to have developed a new technique to detect and report to predators trying to attract children through the Internet. They have christened this tool as ‘Project Artemis’, and say it will be available for free to those companies that operate over the Internet and offer a chat feature.
    "Project Artemis" is a significant step forward, but that does not mean it is a panacea.

    The exploitation and sexual abuse of children on the Internet and the detection of grooming of minors are weight problems.

The term “grooming” is an anglicism that refers to a series of behaviors and actions carried out by a pedophile to win the friendship of a minor through the Internet, with the aim of obtaining sexual benefits.
Much of this deception involves chatting with the victim, and ‘Project Artemis’ will review these text conversations to assess whether a case of “grooming” is occurring.
A technology is already integrated into Xbox and that could soon reach Skype

This technology will be responsible for assigning a score to each conversation, so that conversations that have a certain rating can be reviewed by human moderators to see if it is a case of child abuse.

Microsoft says that this project began to be forged at the end of 2018, in the ‘360 Cross-Industry Hackathon’. The company says that this technology is already integrated into the Xbox platform, and that it could soon reach Skype.

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