
Friday, January 10, 2020

Our body is 1 degree colder than 150 years ago

If we lived in 1850, our doctor  would indicate that it is normal to have a temperature of 37 ° C, one degree more than what is considered common today.

A recent study has analyzed thousands of reports for more than two hundred years, verifying that the average body temperature has changed gradually, every decade, until reaching the current average of 36ºC. The reasons, explain their authors, could be after the inflammatory processes

A degree less than one hundred and fifty years ago

Another  study has collected medical reports since 1850. In the review, the researchers explain, it is clear that the average body temperature in the 19th century was 37 ° C, a degree far from what we currently consider. According to the model, determined after analyzing thousands of studies, the temperature has dropped at a rate of 0.03ºC per decade.

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