
Sunday, January 19, 2020

This animation shows how the temperature has increased worldwide from 1880 to 2019

2019 has broken records, and not exactly good. Although 2016 still holds first place, 2019 has officially been the second warmest year since modern records have been preserved, that is, since 1880. This was confirmed by NASA this week and is thus reflected in the graph published by Antti Lipponen, physicist and researcher at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland).

Lipponen has been based on temperature data published by the NASA GIS Institute and has reflected the evolution of temperature in all countries. As explained by the researcher, "the trend continues as before, that is, we will continue to warm up." And it is not for less, because not only the last five years have been the warmest of the last 140 years, but the global temperatures of 2019 have been 0.95ยบC above the average of the twentieth century.

 This graph, which shows us all the countries arranged alphabetically from left to right, allows us to clearly see that the temperature increase is palpable in each and every corner of the globe. Each country is illuminated with a color scale that shows the increase or decrease (usually the increase) in the temperature of each country with respect to 1880, and the interpretation that can be done is what NASA has done: "is unlikely to return "to pre-industrial temperature.

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